Thursday, January 04, 2007

Ready to start the year right?

Happy 2007 to all!

I hope all of you have had a good holiday break... as for me, besides the errands that I needed to run, I have spent some quiet moments to do my 2006 reflection and set the 2007 resolutions.

Time really flies...and if we do not plan and make good use of our time, we might have to live with some regrets in our lives later.

Think about it, are there anything that you have planned to do but never got down to it in 2006? Are there any countries that you have always wanted to visit but it has always been pushed back because of a busy work schedule?

If you are one of these people, I encourage you to accomplish all these "unfinished businesses" in 2007!

Well, for me, I am ready and all determined to accomplish those things that I have committed to in my 2007 resolutions.


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