It is more blessed to give than to receive

As Christmas nears, shopping malls get crowded with frantic shoppers which increase in intensity as the eve of this big day approaches. Santa’s (in our context, parents, spouses, friends) making his list and checking it twice… children too are making lists of presents that they hope to receive…
Perhaps a time to slow down and also remember the life of St. Nicholas and to remind the children, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Jolly Santa Claus, A.K.A Saint Nicholas was a fourth century bishop of the city of Myra which is the modern-day Turkey. Nicholas obeyed Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor." He donated his entire inheritance to help the needy, the sick, and the suffering. The church recognized his total dedication to God and declared him Bishop of Myra while he was still a young man. Nicholas was known across the region for his generosity to people in need and for his love of children.
Western societies celebrates Saint Nicholas day on December 6. Our current images of Santa Claus have little in common with this devout bishop! We have much to learn from the life of Saint Nicholas.
Encourage the children to approach the Christmas season by focusing on what they can give, not on what they can receive. Besides material gifts, there is also gift of time, talents, and caring for others.
"It is more blessed to give than to receive" — Acts 20:35, NRSV
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